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Bullet Proof ME Body Armor

Bulletproof Vests, Plates, Helmets & Armor to
Put the Odds in YOUR favor



Shooter's Cut Rifle Plate

Lightweight Level III PLUS Stand-Alone
Ceramic / Polyethylene Rifle Plates

Made in the USA

Note:  Level III Rifle Plates can often be exported without an export permit.
(Export of Level IV Rifle Plates from the U.S. usually requires an export permit
Stops 5.56 Green Tip at only 5.2 lbs.!
SAPI Cut Rifle Plates

Lightweight Level III PLUS

A Ceramic / Polyethylene construction brings this plate down to a very light weight - while still stopping the 5.56 mm Green Tip semi-AP threats that Level III pure Polyethylene plates are not rated to stop.

Tested to the NIJ 0101.05 standard - if you need the extra bump padding of the 06 Standard to withstand impact abuse, get the more expensive Ultra-light Level III PLUS - or add a Strike Face Impact Pad for $ 20 per plate. But, if you are not going down hard on your chest, this is a very lightweight plate at a very reasonable price...

  • Thickness 1.15" / 29 mm

  • Triple Curve

  • Medium SAPI shape and size

Independent Lab Tested, Stand-Alone, to Stop Multiple Hits of:


Approx. Feet per Second
Typical Weapon
.308 FMJ
7.62 x 51-mm
~2,750 fps 149-grain M80 Battle Rifle
5.56 x 45 mm
~3,000 fps M855 aka .223 Green Tip aka SS-109 M-16 / AR-15
5.56 x 45 mm

~3,250 fps
(the velocity you might see out of full-length AR-15 / M-16 barrel)

M193 Ball aka FMJ M-16 / AR-15
7.62 x 39-mm ~2,400 fps Mild Steel Core

Medium SAPI Cut

Leading Technology Composites - LTC Model 23580


(~9.5 by 12.5")

Triple Curved

For Front or Back

Only 5.2 lb. ( 2.4 kg.)

$ 329
per plate

$ 349
with Strike Face Impact Pad


Important Safety Note

(A safety warning most Polyethylene vendors neglect to mention...)

You should know that the ballistic performance of all Polyethylene may be adversely affected, or permanently reduced, by prolonged exposure to ambient temperatures below ~ MINUS 15°F ( - 26 °Celsius) and over 150 °F (65 ° Celsius).

Polyethylene plates must never be exposed to open flame, excessive direct sunlight, UV exposure or any hot surface. Heat damage to the external surface (e.g., melting) is a visual clue that the plate may have been exposed to elevated temperatures. If damage is found, replace the plate.

So, don't take any chances by leaving your Rifle Plates in extremely cold or hot environments, OR letting them "cook" in the sun, for example:

  • a closed vehicle super-heating in the sun
  • an engine compartment
  • unprotected on asphalt in intense sun
  • unprotected on top of metal baking in the sun, etc., etc.

If it's too hot for your body, DON'T LEAVE YOUR RIFLE PLATES THERE!

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ArmorUP L.P. dba BulletProofME Body Armor, 6705 Highway 290 West, Suite 502, Austin, Texas 78735

– Please call for an appointment before visiting –

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